Louise Pearce celebrating 15 years in 2020

30th September 2020
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We are celebrating Louise Pearce’s 15-year anniversary, Louise is our Accounts Payable Officer and has always gone above and beyond in her role. Lou is incredibly loyal and dedicated you’ll often find her at desk well after the work day is over. She is also responsible for making our end of year kids party happen, she personally selects over 120 gifts to help out Santa at this crazy time of year!

Louise isn’t just recognised for her work, she is caring, compassionate and always making sure everyone is ok.

Lou is also very supportive of our local community just last week with 2 days notice she sent out a message to her friends, family and work colleagues and donated 17 bags full of self care goodies to the Share the Dignity Australia cause.

We look forward to making many more memories with this lovely lady, Congratulations Lou!