Panorama Estate, Bahrs Scrub QLD

Denning Windaroo
Bahrs Scrub, QLD
Bulk Earthworks, Residential Subdivisions, Road Construction
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Key Features

JK Williams QLD delivered a 75 Lot Subdivision atop a mountain in Bahrs Scrub, QLD.

This project required the excavation and profiling of the site to create a terraced lot layout whilst filling in a 6m deep gully running through the site. Due to the existing ground strata, the bio retention basin that is situated within gully, required 170 Precast Piles to be driven to a depth of 18m to provide a base for the construction of reinforced concrete walls to a height of 5m. Also due to the ground conditions, all earthworks were in a vary grading of rock opening up opportunities for larger excavators to work on the project through the earthworks and retaining wall phase.

Project Statistics

  • 4,300 cu.m Strip Topsoil
  • 59,000 cu.m Cut Fill
  • 22,000 cu.m Export Offsite
  • 3,000 sq.m Concrete Sleeper Walls
  • 5,200 sq.m Pavement Construction
  • 1200 lin.m Kerb Construction
  • 850 lin.m Stormwater Pipes
  • 1,100 sq.m Footpath
  • 170 Precast Concrete Piles up to 18m Deep
  • 1,000 sq.m of Reinforced Concrete Blockwork (up to 5m in height)
  • Bio Basin Construction
  • Overflow Gabion Structure
  • Fauna Crossing Culvert Construction
  • 500m Shotcrete Table Drain on top of batter
  • 420 sq.m of Rock Chutes
  • Sewer, Water, Electrical & Comms Reticulation