Westlink Industry Park – State Significant Development

ESR Australia
Kemps Creek, NSW
Bulk Earthworks, Industrial Subdivisions
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Key Features

The Westlink Industry Park is an industrial subdivision recognised as a State significant Development Project, located in the Mamre Road precinct.

The project scope involves considerable bulk earthworks for the creation of multiple building pads, with the placement of approximately 1,500,000 m3 of fill from on-site cuts up to a depth of 16m. The scope also includes remediation of the work site, construction of a bio-retention basins, drainage swales, a variety of retaining walls including keystone, shotcrete, and sleeper walls, construction of internal pavements and hardstands, extension of Abbotts Road, construction of private roads, installation of services, and completion of site landscaping.

  • 1,500,000 cu.m of fill from on-site cuts up to a depth of 16m
  •  Design and construction of a variety of retaining walls spanning up to 10m high, e.g. keystone, sleeper, shotcrete
  •  Co-ordination of service relocations, including 3,700 lin.m of stormwater drainage
  •  Construction of a Type-A sediment basin
  • Construction of new pavements, including:
  • 29,00 sq.m2 of subbase and basecourse layers
  • 3,400 lin.m of new kerb & gutter 5,700 sq.m of new footpath


Westlink Industry Park ESR Australia