125 Metre Bridge & Road Construction

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Key Features

The project is the 2nd stage of a road and bridge upgrade through an existing access trail in the former ADI site, involving the demolition of an existing bridge and pipework, replacing this with a new precast bridge, retaining walls and culverts. The site is bordered by the Regional Park so management of fauna fencing delineation during works is a key focus for the contract.

  • Concurrent construction within 2 different council Local Government Area’s
  • Works completed across 4 Development Applications & 2 Controlled Activity Approvals
  • Management of PFAS and AHIP zones during construction period
  • Demolition of Existing 100m Span Bridge over existing watercourse
  • Design & Construction of New 125m Span Bridge over existing South Creek watercourse (Precast Elements)
  • Reinforced Blockwork Retaining Wall Construction 980m / 2,900m2
  • 63,000m3 of Imported Fill
  • 78,500m3 of Cut to Fill
  • 21,200m2 of Road Pavements
  • 3,800m of concrete kerbing
  • 1,160m of stormwater pipelines
  • 34m of 6 Cell 4200×2700 Culvert Crossing & Base Slab
  • 29m of 10 Cell 3600×1500 Culvert Crossing & Base Slab (on a curve with splayed units)
  • 800m of concrete footpath construction
  • 1,260m of concrete footpath construction
  • 5 x ROCLA CDS Unit Installations
  • 2 x 40m span 15m High Overhead Fauna Crossing Installations
  • 5,200 tonne of rip rap at outlets and bridge abutments
  • 24,200m2 of landscaping profile prepared
  • 113,200 tubestocks planted
7159 Bridge Construction


The project is an upgrade of an existing through access trail in a former defence site, involving the demolition of an existing bridge and pipework, replacing this with a new 125 metre precast bridge, retaining walls and culverts.

The site is bordered by the Regional Park so management of fauna fencing delineation during works is a key focus for the contract. This bridge was constructed during multiple wet weather event which exceeded the 1 in 50 year flood levels.